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8 signs your Loved one needs Home Care

Loss of independence is difficult to accept. Loved ones may hide from their family that they are struggling due to pride or worries of becoming a burden. Recognizing when a family member could benefit from in home care is vital to ensuring they maintain quality of life.

Here are 8 signs your loved one could benefit from in home care:

1) Missed appointments- Missing doctor’s appointments can point towards memory or organizational problems. Perhaps your family member is afraid to drive or has forgotten how to get to a specific location. A personal assistant can make sure they arrive to their appointments safely and on time.

2) Problems driving- Traffic tickets, fender-benders, and dents on the vehicle can indicate you family member is having driving difficulties. HHPA can take your loved one where they need to go or run errands for them so getting around is no longer an issue.

3) Home shows signs of neglect- This may include clutter, accumulation of garbage or recycling, dirty or unfolded laundry, and stacks of dirty dishes. HHPA can help with the day-to-day upkeep, so your loved one’s home doesn’t get out of control.

4) Extreme change in weight- A difference of 10% or more in body weight can signify a problem. Your family member may not be eating enough. Possible reasons include difficulty with meal preparation or depression. A personal assistant can help make sure your family member is eating and their food is not spoiling in their fridge.

5)Confusion- If your loved one is getting lost, forgetting routine tasks, and mismanaging finances a personal assistant can help. We also do home checks to ensure your loved one is safe and where they should be.

6)Difficulty managing medications- Mismanaging or neglecting to take prescribed medications can have significant medical and cognitive consequences. HHPA does not administer medications, but we can help you with monitoring if your family member is taking their meds and take them to the pharmacy to fill prescriptions.

7)Loneliness- Social isolation is an epidemic among older adults. Loneliness can have a profound impact on someone’s emotional and physical well-being. Our Personal assistants are happy to provide companionship and ease your loved one’s sense of isolation.

8)Falls -Frequent falls are a definite sign that something is wrong. Individuals who have home care to rely on may be less likely to attempt tasks that create fall risks on their own.

Hopefully keeping these signs in mind, you now will be more likely to recognize when your loved one is in need of help. HHPA is a great option to provide extra support and help ensure your family member can continue to live safely and happily in their own home.

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